Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Coret2an IDSM-2 pada catalyst 6500

kasian bener blog ini, lama dianggurin kekeke, ayo nulis lagi .......

IDSM-2 pada Catalyst 6500, supervisor 2, dipasang di slot 4 modulnya

Login ke IDSM-2
Session slot 4 processor 1

Login (username/password)

Shutdown by command
hw-module module 4 shutdown

Shutdown by button
tombol ada di kanan bawah modul

Reset(trutama kl password gak tau)
hw-module module 4 reset cf:1

nampilkan IP
show ip

setting ip
ip address,

keluar dari idsm-2, pada switch
bikin VLAN utk IDSM-2, misal vlan 10
vlan 10
name IDSM-2
intrusion-detection module 4 management-port access-vlan 4

int vlan 4
ip addr
no shut

tes ping ...

masuk ke IDSM-2 lagi,
upgrade IMAGE terbaru, download dulu dari webnya cisco

taruh file tsb documentroot nya web server atau ftp atau tftp dll
trus dari idsm-2 lakukan upgrade

Downloading the image. This may take several minutes...
Password for user@ftp-server:
When image is downloaded, answer "y" to the following message:
Upgrading will wipe out the contents on the storage media.
Do you want to proceed installing it [y|N]: y

You should receive the following messages:

Proceeding with upgrade. Please do not interrupt.
If the upgrade is interrupted or fails, boot into maintenance image again and restart

Creating IDS application image file...

Initializing the hard disk...
Applying the image, this process may take several minutes...
Performing post install, please wait...
Application image upgrade complete. You can boot the image now.
Reboot the sensor module using the reset command

cisco@localhost.localdomain# reset

tunggu agak lama sampe modulenya siap/pass
cek dengan perintah show module 4

setelah aktif, login

lngsung ketik setup
ikuti pilihan2 yg muncul, tinggal yes dan no aja.
yg perlu diset adalah IP Address dan ACL.
Access List harus diset jg, atau smua host bakalan gak bisa akses ke IDSM-2, karna kan kita perlu utk mengkonfigurasikan IDSM-2 nya via web https.

setelah selesai, disave setup nya.

kmudian dari pc lain, set IP nya misal, trus lakukan ping ke (IP IDSM-2 nya) kalau bisa trus buka web browser ketik

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